Empowerment Self Confidence & Awareness



This short course provides a platform for a fun and exciting personal learning journey. These sessions set foundations for participants to experience growth in areas such as self-confidence and awareness


Conscious Communication


This 6 session  course provides a platform for communicating at a higher level, understanding what it is we do and don’t say , and acknowledging  the impact of such .  These sessions set foundations for participants  to experience growth in areas such as self awareness, accountability and communication strategies.


Depression awareness & Self Care


Over 4 sessions we will look at the question What is depression? What can it do and make us feel , we will reflect on matters including if we are dealing with depression and consider some of the signs of depression. We will take our findings and through a process of both reflection and self questioning we will begin to formulate a plan for self care. This workshop if perfect for anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the causes and symptoms of depression, and why some people are more vulnerable than others.


Performance & Change Management Programs


This coaching program provides an understanding of the change process, highlights individual strengths and weaknesses and develops communication and leadership skills. Participants may experience growth in areas such as   self-awareness, accountability, resilience, communication strategies, goal setting, managing and implementing change.


Family Wellness 


Well balanced and harmonious relationships come through good listening, respect for your environment and each other , by understanding how we interact with one another and the setting of clear boundaries. These may not be naturally occurring in the most beneficial way for your family , and can have a negative impact on everyday life. There is immense benefit in exploring these concepts in a safe and open space, and spending time on making conscious choices about the influences these choices have in your home. We step through exercises that will both enlighten and empower you for a happier more harmonious home.


Overcoming Grief


During these 6 sessions we explore the phases of grief and aim to get an understanding of the change process that comes with experiencing loss. Each session will step through a different response to loss and allow time for reflection and acceptance, all at your own pace. This is your journey no one else’s. Horses are great mentors and perfect at giving us guidance and courage they tune into our emotions and help to cope during emotionally difficult times